
How to add a .gitignore file to your Git repository

Written by Jorge on 
4 minute read

When working with Git, managing which files should and shouldn't be tracked is crucial for maintaining a clean and efficient repository. This is where the .gitignore file comes in. This article will provide a comprehensive guide on how to create and use a .gitignore file in your Git project.

What is a .gitignore File?

A .gitignore file specifies intentionally untracked files that Git should ignore. Files already tracked by Git are not affected. The .gitignore file uses glob patterns to match file paths.

Note: This guide assumes a working knowledge of Git. If you're new to Git, you may want to review foundational concepts beforehand.

Step-by-Step Guide to Adding a .gitignore File

1. Create a .gitignore file Create a new file in the root of your repository named .gitignore.

touch .gitignore

2. Open the .gitignore file Open the newly created .gitignore file using your preferred text editor.

vim .gitignore

3. Add Patterns to the .gitignore file Add the files and directories that you want to ignore. Each pattern should be on a new line. Here are some common examples:

# Node.js dependency directories

# Python compiled files

# IDE files

# Operating system files

4. Save and close the .gitignore file Save the changes and close the text editor. If you are using vim, type :wq and hit Enter to save and quit.

5. Check current status Check the status to see if your .gitignore file works as intended. Ensure that files matching the patterns specified are not listed.

git status

6. Add and commit the .gitignore file Add the .gitignore file to your repository and commit the changes.

git add .gitignore
git commit -m "Add .gitignore file"

7. Verify Verify that the unwanted files are not being tracked by Git. Any changes made to files listed in .gitignore should not appear in git status.

How to Ignore Files Already Tracked by Git

If you have files already being tracked by Git that you want to ignore, simply adding them to .gitignore won't work because Git continues to track changes to these files. You need to first untrack these files and then add them to .gitignore.

1. Add the files to .gitignore Open your .gitignore file and add the patterns for the files you want to ignore.

vim .gitignore

Add your patterns, for example:

# Ignore log files

2. Untrack the files To stop tracking the files already added to Git, use the git rm command with the --cached option. This removes the files from the index but keeps them in your working directory.

git rm --cached filename.log

If you want to untrack multiple files, you can use glob patterns:

git rm --cached *.log

3. Commit the changes Commit the changes to stop tracking these files.

git commit -m "Stop tracking log files"

4. Double-check the status Confirm that these files are no longer being tracked by Git.

git status

Best Practices for Using .gitignore

  • Specificity: Be as specific as possible to avoid ignoring files that you actually want to track.
  • Global .gitignore: For files common across multiple projects (like IDE settings), use a global .gitignore file. You can set it up using:
git config --global core.excludesfile ~/.gitignore_global

Then create ~/.gitignore_global and add your patterns there.

  • Modularize: If you have different environments (e.g., development, production), consider modularizing your .gitignore logic with comments and sections.

Example: A Comprehensive .gitignore for a Node.js Project

Here is an example of a detailed .gitignore for a Node.js project.

# Dependency directories

# Optional npm cache directory

# Optional eslint cache

# Optional REPL history

# Output of 'npm pack'

# dotenv environment variables file

# Operating system files

# IDE and editor files

# Log files


Using a .gitignore file effectively can significantly improve the organization and performance of your Git repositories. By following the steps outlined above, you can ensure that only the necessary files are tracked, keeping your repository clean and efficient. For further reading, visit the Git documentation on .gitignore.

Happy coding!

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